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WARSZAWA | 22.04 | wykład prof. Kristen Ghodsee na IEiAK UW

Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW serdecznie zaprasza na seminarium naukowe, podczas którego prof. Kristen Ghodsee (Bowdoin College) wygłosi wykład:

Women in Red: Communist Mass Women’s Organizations and International Feminism during the Cold War
środa, 22.04.2015 godz. 10:30, ul. Żurawia 4, sala 108
Freeman Dyson na łamach „New York Timesa” o najnowszej książce Kristen Ghodsee: „History looks very different if you fought for national liberation and human progress under the banner of Communism”


This talk explores the lasting influences of women from the former Eastern Bloc countries on the development of women’s movements in Africa. Using ethnographic interviews and archival research, the project is an interdisciplinary exploration of the forgotten links between Africa and Eastern Europe through the lens of women’s organizing. Using the case study of the Committee for the Bulgarian Women’s Movement (CBWM), the project recuperates the history of international socialist women’s activism during the United Nations Decade for Women (1975-1985). By mobilizing women from the developing world, women from the Eastern Bloc may have instigated Cold War competition over which economic system could provide more de facto and de jure equality to women. This rivalry benefitted all women in the long run, whether they lived in the communist, capitalist, or developing worlds.

Kristen Ghodsee is a Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at Bowdoin College in the USA and currently a Senior External Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany. She is the author of five books, including, most recently, The Left Side of History: World War II and the Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe (Duke University Press 2015).


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